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Frequently Asked Questions
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We invite you to use the "Contact Us" link above with any questions you may have that are not covered here.
Q: Can I get a price?

A: Yes, just click on any of the thumbnail pictures to view a larger photo, along with a description and pricing. Make use of the scroll sliders as some of the information may be lower in the window.

Q: How soon can I get my equipment? A: Delivery times vary, but we do keep alot of our most popular items in stock, ready to ship. We also have several Quick Ship Programs that you may find helpful. Feel free to call for information regarding shipping times.
Q: When can I call reagrding shipping, pricing or any other questions I may have? A: You can call anytime, 24 hrs a day, 7 days a week.
Q: Do you have worldwide delivery?

A: Yes we do ! We work closely with a select group of freight forwarders.

Q: How can I get a catalog? A: Click on the "Catalog Request" link above, fill in the information, and click "submit". Your catalog will arrive in the mail within one week.
Q: Do you offer package pricing? A: Items on our website are priced as though you are buying just one item. If you're putting together a whole salon or spa, or buying a quantity of items, we're happy to offer you package pricing on all your equipment needs.

The following is a guideline for determining any value-added services that may be necessary to complete transfer and delivery of your equipment and furniture. This information is provided as a guideline to frequently asked questions. Please ask your sales representative for more information.


After-Hours Pickup: $150 per shipment
After-Hours Delivery: $150 per shipment

Any shipment requiring pickup or delivery after 5:00 pm Monday through Friday.

Weekend Pickup: $175 per shipment
Weekend Delivery: $175 per shipment

Any shipment requiring pickup or delivery on Saturday or Sunday. Delivery will be scheduled by 17:00. If the shipment requires a by-noon or time-specific delivery, additional charges may apply.

COD Fee: $50 per shipment

Any shipment requiring collection on delivery. The COD payment will be sent to the shipper’s address shown unless other instructions are provided.

Customs Fee: $20 per shipment

A Customs Processing Fee applies on all cross-border shipments between Canada and the United States.

Holiday Pickup: $300 per shipment
Holiday Delivery: $300 per shipment

Any shipment requiring pickup or delivery on a nationally recognized holiday.

Inside Pickup: $75 per shipment
Inside Delivery: $75 per shipment

Any shipment moving beyond the loading and unloading area when requested by the shipper or consignee. Inside pickup or delivery will be provided to floors above or below the level accessible to the vehicle only when elevator or escalator service is available and labor necessary to operate it is provided without cost.

Extra-Labor Pickup: $75 per shipment
Extra-Labor Delivery: $75 per shipment

Any extra labor requested to load, unload, or transfer freight.

Lift-Gate Pickup: $75 per shipment
Lift-Gate Delivery: $75 per shipment

Any shipment requiring use of a lift-gate to perform pickup or delivery.

Notification Before Delivery: $5 per shipment

Any shipment requiring notification to consignee to schedule delivery.

Proof of Delivery: $5 per shipment

When requested by the shipper or consignee, we will furnish, as proof of delivery, a copy of the delivery record signed by the consignee or designated agent.

Residential Pickup: $75 per shipment
Residential Delivery: $75 per shipment

Any shipment requiring pickup or delivery in a residential area. The term RESIDENTIAL applies to private residences, apartments, churches, schools, camps, and other such locations not generally recognized as commercial business locations.

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Salon Equipment Salon Equipment International Spa Equipment International Facial Equipment Manicure Equipment Pedicure Equipment represents the following fine manufacturing companies: Adjust-A-Sink, Amber, Belvedere, BluWorld Water Wonders, Collins, Cosmopro, Earthlite, European Touch, Garfield, Gulfstream, HEX Tanning Booths, Hydroco, IC Mats, Kayline, LivAgen Products, Living Earth Crafts, Marvy Co & Barber Poles, Mr.Steam, Parlux, Pibbs, QuickPlan, Ranco, Salon Ambience, Silhouet-Tone, SmartLite, Takara Belmont, Touch America, Turbo Power, Whitehall

Webmaster: PJ Easton & Associates
Hosted by: John Pohlen & Associates

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